Sally Bunker
After watching some extremely disturbing documentaries on the devastating effect plastic is having on our world I found myself wondering how I could help. Did I really know where all the plastic I righteously put in my recycling bin was going? Am I putting the correct plastic in? What are genuine environmentally friendly alternatives? When researching I was astounded at how blissfully ignorant I was….
The majority of us want to help with the crisis but unfortunately we are either wasting our time due to unknowingly putting the wrong types of plastic in our recycling bins or do not have any other alternatives. There is a horrific amount of plastic pollution all over the world and lets be brutally honest we can’t fix the damage it has already caused. But surely we can prevent adding to it?
I looked at the most obvious day to day items I use and where can I cut out plastic. The obvious solution was to help others do the same. VIDA Natural was born!
Let’s make a difference, discover your zero waste life.
Thank you for caring.

Plastic usage
I drink a lot of water and always like to carry some whilst out and about especially with my two small children. Little did I know that plastic bottles are one of the worst offenders for plastic pollution!
Plastic bottles require up to 700 years to dissolve, during which time they break up in to micro plastics
80% of plastic bottles never get recycled & 90% of the cost of bottled water is the bottle itself
Single-use plastic water bottles are consumed in the UK every year
50% of plastic in the Thames is single use plastic bottles